The Captain James Skilton Family Association

Advantages of Using a Message Board (2020-08-27 dwp - to be deleted)

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Using a message board vs. using e-mail

There are several advantages of communicating using a message board instead of direct e-mail:

  1. When using a message board you simply send your message to a "list server" at the message board and the list server sends the message to everyone who has subscribed to the message board.

    When using direct e-mail you must keep a list of everyone who should receive your message and send it to everyone in the list.  For example, if there are 30 people in a group, each person must keep a list of the e-mail addresses of the 30 people and send any messages to all 30 people.  When the group expands or contracts, everyone must add (or remove) the new member to (or from) their list. 

  2. At any time members can be added to (or removed from) the group without the need to notify all the other members about the change in the group membership.

  3. At any time, members of the group can use a web browser to view the message archive which contains all the messages ever sent to the group.  This can be especially helpful to new members who join the group after it has been functioning for awhile.

  4. Members of the group can decide how they prefer to view the messages.  They can:
    a)  Have a copy of each message sent to their e-mail address.
    b)  Have a daily summary of all the messages sent once per day to their e-mail address.
    c)  Receive no e-mail from the list server and instead use a web browser to view the message at their convenience.

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